Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Each submission will be double-blindly peer-reviewed by at least three experts. This requires the paper to be anonymous so please follow carefully the instructions for the double-blind review.
A paper submission implies that, every author will agree with specific policies and if the paper is accepted, one of the authors, or a proxy, will present the paper at the conference. Submissions not using the Springer templates or disclosing identity of the authors will be rejected without review.
Please note that for those using Latex or Microsoft Word, the LNCS templates should be used that can be found here.
Camera Ready Submission
For the camera ready submission, the authors must upload on EasyChair:
- The camera ready version of the paper in PDF format following the instructions provided in the section "Paper Format" below.
- If using Latex, a .zip file containing the source files used for the preparation of the camera ready including figures in high quality. Authors must make sure to supply the underlying .bib file for the references.
- If using Microsoft Word, the original .doc or .docx file.
- A copyright statement, signed by the corresponding author of the paper that can be found here.
Please note that the LNCS templates can be found here.
Do not forget to include the information that was withheld for the double-blind reviewing process such as author names, affiliations, email addresses, acknowledgements and ORCID numbers. Authors may also make modifications to refer to prior work as their own.
Each paper must have at least one author be registered no later than the conference paper camera ready deadline. When registering a paper please use the paper ID provided by EasyChair.
Paper Format
The layout of the papers must be prepared according to the Instructions for the Preparation of Camera-Ready Contributions to LNCS Proceedings. Authors are asked to pay extra attention to these instructions. In addition to the Springer author instructions, authors should ensure that the submitted paper meets the following criteria:
- The paper must not exceed 10 pages in the LNCS format. Up to 4 additional pages are allowed with an extra cost of 50 euros per additional page. The font sizes must conform with the LNCS instructions
- Document formats:
- PostScript, without encoding or condensation
- Level 3 or 4 PDF without passwords or encryption
- MS Word or other word processor formats will not be accepted
- The fonts used must meet the following criteria:
- All fonts must be from the Latin 1 Fontset
- Except for the 13 basic PostScript fonts (Times-Roman, Helvetica, Courrier, Symbol), every font used must be included
- If possible, include only outline (Type 1 or TrueType) fonts, not bitmapped fonts
Prepare for Double-Blind Review
All reviewing will be double blind, so the paper must not include any information, which allows the authors to be identified. Please consider in particular the following points to ensure a double blind reviewing process:
- Author name(s) should not appear in the paper (including the abstract):
- Eliminate references to your institutions, your sponsors, and your unpublished work
- If you build on your own published work you should give the complete reference (including your name) but talk about this work as if it were somebody else’s
- Always make clear what the contributions/differences are with respect to (your own and others’) prior work
- All author names must be inserted into the online submission form
- Delete author and institution information from document properties